A collection of selected exam questions and insightful curriculum analysis for all subjects in middle and elementary schools; achievement in answering questions, motivation for learning, top teachers, answering questions and solving blindness. Suitable for families to accompany schoolchildren to challenge together!
競速答題難、中、易短回合、高挑戰的題組設計,無壓減負、低排斥的競速限時作答,配合即時反饋評測機制;高度激發學習專注度與調動瞬間學習記憶,輕鬆有效養學力。段考養成有計畫、有範圍、有目標的耕耘式學習,可愛、友善的遊戲莊園介面設計、驚喜的養成式動畫平台呈現,一圖秒懂段考前的複習進度與學習成效。指向式課程推播超有感即時成就排名,清楚掌握學習焦點、盲點、落點;不論是弱科補強、資優先學,360度全方位指向式課程推播,基礎、延伸、補救、超前,全面補給,一次到位。海量試卷36000份全國國中、小段考試卷;清楚掌握段考命題方向,海量考古試題,打造最真實、最有公信力的題庫平台。Race AnswersDifficult, medium, and easy short rounds, high challenge question set design, no pressure to reduce burden, low rejection, limited time answering, with instant feedback evaluation mechanism; highly stimulate learning concentration and mobilize instant learning and memory, easy and effective to develop academic ability.Duan Kao CultivationPlanned, scoped, and goal-oriented hardworking learning, cute and friendly game manor interface design, and surprisingly developed animation platform presentations, you can understand the review progress and learning effects before the exam in a single picture.Pointing course promotionSuper-sensible real-time achievement rankings, clearly grasp the learning focus, blind spots, and fall points; whether it is weak subject reinforcement, advanced learning, 360-degree directional curriculum promotion, basic, extended, remedy, advanced, comprehensive replenishment, all at once. .Mass examination papers36,000 national middle school and small section examination papers; clearly grasp the direction of section examination questions, massive archaeological examination questions, and create the most authentic and credible question bank platform.內容更新為三貝德全年版